to be continued…..
to be continued…..

to be continued…..

PAX:Einstein, Grundy, Maverick, Moby, Steve, Turbo

Instruction received from a previous email posted by Northshore core Turbo who by the way will probably post a .5 on the ISI for his pre thang run sparked this Q to dive into the Lexicon in preparation for the Gipper beatdown. Had I known the astronomy lesson would incur upon arrival at the Gipper, one may have looked into the galaxy of workouts awarded your YHC and properly planned out the parameter of time before becoming overly zealous in the selection process. The Q and Steve were greeted by a St. Tammany worker gazing into the night sky, which he quickly pointed out Jupiter in the distance between trees followed by 10 o’clock of the moon and some other (forgotten named planet) closing with a lesson of seeing Saturn with binoculars on a clear night.. That is the extent of my learned lesson of astronomy. Anything further than that may I recommend a post at the Gipper.. With 4 ideas picked out for the beatdown, 0600 quickly approaching and the sound of gravel turning beneath Grundy’s mini wagon it’s time to circle up.


15IC Windmills, 15 IC plank hand in front rotations right/left (to prepare for this upper body intense planned beatdown), 10IC front deltoid shoulder rolls in plank, 20IC Toe touches


Moseyed to the back of the Taj Mahal for are first set. Dan Taylor’s 1:4 ratio of squat and alternating leg lunges. Setting the bar at 20:80 total the Q was quickly reminded by the ever specific Grundy that this was indeed NOT upper body.. Oh so correct Grundy! 20 would have certainly taken to long and so to be continued… has started. We completed 10:40 and proceeded to the flag pole in front where we partnered up for some 4×4’s. PAX keeps elevated palms to the sky while one of the pairs drops to plank for 4 Merkins followed by 4 MC. Upon return to their feet the next pair drops so on and so on. We make 4-5 rounds in total, Q has never claimed to be accurate with numbers that is Grundy’s deal anyway.. 😏 Upon completion we journey to the top of the parking garage for a distant, often, planned and forgotten Deck of Death.. My memory serves best of Glooms past at the Mothership, Marsh and ISI challenge of October 2017, which shall never be forgotten as the “I want to pump your chest until your pectorals bust those already tight shirts.” Instructions Hearts are Burpees, Spades are Merkins, Clubs are FK and Diamonds are sprints… Cards are face value with Jacks being 11 Queen being 12, etc. etc. with 2 jokers valued at 50 and the person who flips calling the exercise. Thanks Grundy for the continued upper body tear down with IC shoulder taps so what should have been 50 total turned into 50 each side 😩. After about 3 cards in the PAX welcomes in the baton carting Maverick, realizing time will become a factor we push to 0640 at which time the YHC informs the PAX of bad news and our


to be continued…

Moseyed back to AO with a min to spare and assume plank for completion..

Nice job today men!!

Keep pushing Moby, progressing well Brother..

Till the next Gloom ✌🏻