Cinco de Mayo with Party Hats
Cinco de Mayo with Party Hats

Cinco de Mayo with Party Hats

PAX:Shangeaux, Fastball, Rocket, Worms, Dagwood, Mistletoes, Two Shoes, Topanga, Big Easy, Snack Pack, Moneycat

F3, the Knoll, 5-5-2018, uphill in reverse, IMG_8181


By: Money Cat

The Scene:  The Knoll

Conditions: 72° overcast and soon to be festive.


Money Cat arrived at the Knoll for 6:30 to plant the F3 shovel along with the stars and stripes. The gringos began arriving one by one around 6:45. By 7AM everyone had arrived and it was time to begin.

Welcome: 11 men posted.


“I am not a professional trainer and have never claimed to be.

You are participating at your own risk.

You are responsible for your own well-being.

You are here voluntarily, and you are not paying to be here. Although you do receive payment in the gift of fitness, fellowship and encouragement.

Know your limits and do the best you can; all exercises are suggestions and can be modified

If you are still sore by Tuesday morning please understand that nothing is wrong….it’s completely natural to feel that way! You’ve done the workout correctly.”

After the disclaimer Money Cat advised the hombres that today was a special day because it was his first time to Q an F3 workout and it happened to be Cinco de Mayo. Money Cat had planned in advanced to make this workout a celebration of the Mexico national holiday by pulling out his garbage bag of tricks and passing out straw hats purchased from a local party store. There was laughing and smiling around knowing what these muchacho’s would look like. Money Cat pulled out a much larger yellow hat. He felt proud and authoritative placing it on his head. He wanted his nino’s to know who was in charge. Money Cat has a special ability of ESP(N) and one of the caballero’s was thinking Money Cat looked like the tall man with the yellow hat in the Curious George books. Thankfully Money Cat chose not to publicly add to this uno gringo’s workout…but payback is coming!


The men mosey’d to the sundial. Money Cat explained in celebration of Cinco de Mayo being a date with a 5, every exercise will be multiplied by 5. Basically everything would be 25 reps.

Don Quixotes (old school Windmills) – 25

Jumping Jack’s – 25

Dips – 25

At this time during our workout at the end of our dips an elderly man was walking through our workout. He got to the end of the sundial and collapsed. Immediately our men were attending to his need for help. The men spoke to him to make sure he was ok and there were no serious injuries. After what seemed like the longest minute or two our guys helped him up slowly. The old timer said he was ok and was good to walk. Money Cat pointed out how proud it was of the men rushing to this mans’ need for help…its what all men are called to do.

Arm Circles Forward – 25

Arm Circles Backward – 25 (The Money Cat in his keen sense of awareness, detected groaning’s.)

Inclined Merkins – 25

Mexican Dips – 25

Cinco Quads

Lil mosey down the hill over the walk bridge and stopped at the bottom of the second hill. Once Money Cat (playing the weekly role of the 6th) arrived he announced the workout. Money Cat really enjoyed the activity Snack Pack introduced several weeks ago to the guys. Backwards walking up to the top of the hill and mosey back down to the bottom. Five times the guys would perform this activity and at the end of each rep the guys had a choice of their exercise starting at one and building up to five after each rep. The Money Cat gladly allowed the men to lap him. Money Cat’s legs are short but his heart is that of a lion with an ocean size of courage!!! He was glad to watch these men execute the routine.

El Grande Event: 


The men were ordered to mosey over the walk bridge and climb the hill and report back to the sundial for El Grande workout. Once again the humble Money Cat let the men go first and he followed behind as the 6th. Arriving at the sundial the men were told to come closer inside the sundial to hear the instructions. Money Cat explained the next activity is actually named Cards of Death from the F3 list of exercises but Money Cat felt the name was not appropriate considering the activity promoted good health. So, the name has been changed to Cards of Health. A normal deck of cards (with extra face cards and four extra jokers) is needed for this physical activity. Each of the men are to draw a card, multiple the number cards by five and mosey to the other sundial to the right or left of the main sundial, complete the activity listed on the card and mosey or walk back to the main sundial for another card. The activity is over when all the cards have been completed.


The cards are as followed:


Twos – mosey to the spot, perform 10 burpee’s, mosey or walk back.


Threes – mosey to the spot, perform 15 merkin’s, mosey or walk back.


Fours – mosey to the spot, perform 20 lunges, mosey or walk back.


Fives – mosey to the spot, perform 25 Don Quixote’s, mosey or walk back.


Sixes – mosey to the spot, perform 30 LBC’s, mosey or walk back.


Sevens – mosey to the spot, perform 35 imperial walkers, mosey or walk back.


Eights – mosey to the spot, perform 40 arm circles (20 forward, 20 backward), mosey or walk back.


Nines – mosey to the spot, perform 45 arm forward claps, mosey or walk back.


Tens – mosey to the spot, perform 50 we are not worthy’s, mosey or walk back.

(It was suggested the 8, 9 and 10 card activities could be done while running to the spot.)


Jack – mosey to the spot while doing the Al Gore, perform 11 Al Gore’s and mosey or walk back.


Queen – skip to the spot, perform 12 chorus line leg kicks, mosey or walk back.


King – horse trot to the spot, perform 13 Bobby Hurley’s, mosey or walk back.


Ace – mosey to the spot flapping arms like a bird, perform 14 squats, mosey or walk back.


Jokers – goofball run to the spot, perform 15 goofballs, mosey or walk back.



After finishing the Cards of Health the men were instructed to mosey backwards to the shovel flag. Time was creeping away from us so there was only time enough for one Mary to spell our F3 names with our legs while laying down. Someone pointed out that 2 shoes had the easiest task of writing out a #2 and holding his foot up.



F3, the Knoll, 5-5-2018, uphill in reverse, IMG_8181