Pre-Blast What’s the 3rd F Again?
Pre-Blast What’s the 3rd F Again?

Pre-Blast What’s the 3rd F Again?


1 Timothy 4:7b-8 (ESV)

  …train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present time and also for the life to come.

Men, if F3 is going to accomplish it’s goal of “invigorating male community leadership”, then the 3rd F, Faith, cannot go uncultivated. Without the invigoration that comes from serving an ideal larger than yourself, the 1st and 2nd F’s can devolve into navel gazing, self service or worse… selfie posting, self worship. While the 1st F pushes you to achieve gains you didn’t think were possible, and the 2nd F places you in contact with a fraternity of men who quickly become an important part of your life. It is the 3rd F that propels you forward towards something greater, outward towards something meaningful, and upward towards something eternal. 

This summer we have set aside time to explore faith through studying a book of the Bible. We will be studying through the Gospel of Mark each Saturday from 8:15 to 9:00 am following the morning beatdown and coffeeteria at the Mothership. The format of the book of Mark has a cadence that should be familiar to F3 with its short, explosive stories that transition at a quick pace. We will be using a study guide by John MacArthur to help set the pace for our study which should last about 13 weeks. The first shipment of books were handed out last week, and more are arriving just in time for this Saturday. This week we will be discussing the introduction to the Gospel of Mark and handing out more books. 

See you in the gloom and hopefully the post gloom!
