That’s Right, No Upper Body…
That’s Right, No Upper Body…

That’s Right, No Upper Body…

PAX:Peppa, Koopa, Col. Mustard, Medulla Oblongata, Ponyboy, Chowda, Silver Slipper, Reluctant Yankee, Tinkles, 86, Saban, Sandbar, Jingle Vader, Nip Tuck, G Spot, Gabrielle, Chiquita, Roots

Cobains for the delayed backblast…

At 05:30, YHC gave the disclaimer and we moseyed around the golf club parking lot and over to the grass by the bandstand for the warm up COP: plank jacks, imperial walkers,  mtn. climbers, hill billies x 25 IC.

Mosey to the shelter and grab a partner. Partner A runs a lap through the lights and back around through the parking lot(approx. qtr mile)while Partner B does the designated exercise AMRAP, then flip flop.  They were: monkey humpers, russian twists, left leg step ups, dolly, right leg step ups, elbow plank, lunge, flutter kick, low slow squat, lbc. Plank and wait for the six. Just enough time to quick mosey to the flag.

COT w shoutout by YHC.

T Claps to the pax for covering a little more than 2.5 miles on the run.

Good Times!
