Running Behind but the Timing’s Unreliable!
Running Behind but the Timing’s Unreliable!

Running Behind but the Timing’s Unreliable!

PAX:Chewy, EiEi, Shooter (co-QIC), Waterpik

YHC had a sneaking suspicion when I opened my eyes that my wake-up window for making the scramble had already started closing, rather than opening with the sounding of my alarm at any moment. I had to pee and I was wide awake – my body was screaming at me that I had missed the alarm by 20 minutes! An immediate text to the rock of the f3 northshore and it was understood that the scramble was copacetic, but without my normal morning routine would I be…?

The now co-Q arrived on the scene to see the PAX in good hands doing lunge twists, and jumped in. The scrambling commenced along the traditional route. As we hit the Loop, though, Chewy called an audible, a la Steve’s beat down the previous day at the gipper. The Pax split up, each group heading in opposite directions around the loop in a seeming attempt to instill a little variety and sense of competition in an otherwise no-man-left-behind scenario.

The public at-large must’ve read Monday’s back blast and sought to challenge the PAX, because there seemed to be more littler for us to tackle than normal. However, with Waterpik starting early with a piece of trash near the flag, we tackled said challenge with flying colors.

YHC felt compelled to stop the PAX after coming off the pier for 50 OYO freddy mercury’s to throw a little more spice on the run. And upon returning to the flag, the dreaded dice of doom were brought out for for some human sacrifice! Being uninitiated, Chewy and Ei took the first 2 rolls, followed by the rest of us. 10-20 merkins, side straddle hops and putins were all well and good, but when a 50 came up, we trembled in unison as we gazed upon the other die, silently praying for anything but burpees! Jump-squats it was, and we put our lower bodies through the wringer.

The wacker of all things wackable prayed us out, as we offered our sacrifices of copious amounts of dripping sweat for the sins of our fathers.

Welcome back the the scramble Ei and thanks to Shooter for the cover and to the Pax for giving me a reason to look forward to waking before the sun!