Core Crunch
Core Crunch

Core Crunch

QIC:Landing Strip
PAX:Nip/Tuck, G Spot, Tinkles, Hawgcycle, Coast Rat, Nemo, Chowda, El Wire, Bartman, 86, Swamp Cock, Pony Boy, YSR, Roots, Sandbar, Medula Oblongata, Bieber, Peppa, Col. Mustard, Koopa

My first Q in a while was core-focused.  I rolled in hot and was the last one to join the PAX.  We kicked things off with some warm-ups in place:

-20 x SSH

-20 x plank jacks

-20 x mountain climbers

Then we moseyed over to fairway near the pull up bars.  The sprinklers were on, but it didn’t seem like they’d hit us where we circled up…but then they did.  Whoops.  We did a J-Lo Ring of Fire, with exercises up to 5 while the rest of the PAX planked.

We then Indian Ran to the benches at the front of the park.  We did a Dora 1-2-3 with 100 LBCs, 200 Nolan Ryans and 300 LBTs.  Time was running out though, so we modified our last exercised and headed on.

We ran 1 x running man jog, 2 x running man sprint to a green spot near the row bars next.  We circled up and did some more core exercises:

-20 x Hello Dollys

-20 x Rosalitas

-20 x Dying Cockroach

-20 x J-Lo

Then back to the flag to count/name off.  Good to get back in the swing of things, Q-wise.