I don’t like anyone behind me when talking – its a fact
I don’t like anyone behind me when talking – its a fact

I don’t like anyone behind me when talking – its a fact

QIC:Reluctant Yankee
PAX:RY (QIC), Roots, 86, Peaches, Angie's List, Peppa, Rev Sox, Gabrielle, Sandbar, Chowda, Beiber, Betty Crocker, Pony Boy, YSR, Jingle Vader, Hawgcycle, G-Spot, Bartman, Quater Pipe, Nemo, Landing Strip, Nip/Tuck, Medulla Oblangata, Brown Bag, seaman,

Douille was sick!  Got the 455am text and of course – I knew I would cover it.

I handed off my Friday Q so that Peaches and Angie’s List could have their VQ!

So as I walked up at 529 – I gave the disclaimer and we were off.

Ran to the field across the street for my normal COP#1 warmup – SSH, Imp Walker Squats, Mtn Climbers and LBCs.

Blood pumping so we mosey’d to the first beach at the FLY.  Here the speedsters would PLANK walk and wait instead of just plank.

At the beach we did some actual PLANK WALK, Shoulder Taps, and some NOLAN RYANs L and R which I changed to Pedro Martinez’s – PAX  didn’t like that – won’t do it again.

Mosey’d to the HILL.  At Monkey Hill we did 10 burpees, cross the MTN 9 burpees, cross back 8 burpees, until the first PAX finished.

After the the descending ladder of burpees we lineup on the Soccer Pitch for World Cup action.

Speed races in 2s.  Across both soccer fields.

Mosey’d to the Labyrinth.  At the Labyrinth we did flutter kicks, single leg wife pleasers R/L X 15 , hip dips R/L x 15,  and dying bugs.

Mosey’d back to the FLAG to close out the beatdown.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead- Douille hope you feel better.  I’d like to see more SPRINTS incorporated in our beatdowns.    Also would like to bring the Ultimate Frisbee burpee fest to Audubon Park one day.

Thanks Roots for the help with the PAX.