Fast times at the City Hall Scramble
Fast times at the City Hall Scramble

Fast times at the City Hall Scramble

PAX:Garfield, Bushwhacker, Waterpik, Chewy, Shooter


66°; 90% humidity; 7:00 AM sunrise


YHC isn’t going to say that he forgot to deliver the disclaimer, but if any personal injury attorneys ask you, the assembled PAX definitely understood that he was a rank amateur and shouldn’t be trusted with workout advice.


Northshore Q’s have been doing so much cool stuff, that YHC wanted to blatantly copy everything he could.

Assembled PAX warmed-up with a feeble imitation of Turbo’s dynamic warm-up routine with a focus on walking quad stretches and hip stretches.

Wait until YHC’s kids teach him how to set up a spotify playlist and he can copy Grundy’s sweet tabata jams mix-tape.


The assembled PAX scrambled through their standard 5k route.  Tclaps to Garfield and Bushwhacker for pacing us.  Northshore PAX know that this is SOP for Garfield and the Whacker is rounding into race day shape for his upcoming half-marathon.

YHC didn’t keep detailed mile splits, but feels confident that the PAX responded well to the cooler weather and clocked some fast times.

THE THANG – Part 2

After the 5K, we returned back to City Hall for some work.

The Pelican Challenge

The first item was introduced to Northshore PAX, by our amigo the Pelican, who himself stole it from the Army’s new combat fitness test.   YHC set the timer for two minutes and the assembled PAX cranked out as many hand-release merkins as possible before time expired.

Next we did 20 4 count tabletops in cadence, because every day is leg day.


Finally, the PAX finished with 5 rounds of “rochamburpee,” which the lexicon defines as a game of rock-paper-scissors with burpees at stake. YHC observed some next level strategery among the PAX.  Never go in against a Northshore PAX with burpees on the line.  #Strategery.

CountORama, NameORama, and COT

YHC prayed for the assembled PAX

Thanks F3-bros, for the fellowship, the beatdowns and for being willing to follow my lead.