Blue Angel Dropped B.O.M.B.S
Blue Angel Dropped B.O.M.B.S

Blue Angel Dropped B.O.M.B.S

QIC:War Eagle
PAX:Briefs, Breadsticks, War Eagle, Shingles, Screw Top, Dirty Dell, Blue Angel (FNG)

YHC has been out of the Qing game for a while trying to finish off another semester of PhD work. So when the opportunity came to Q The Foundry it was a no brainer. YHC has a habit of showing up extra early the mornings of Q to scout out the AO and make sure everything is in place for the beatdown ahead. Around 5:25, Screw Top and his band of misfits emerged from the gloom followed by a gentleman wearing a Jesuit blue shirt introducing himself with a “normal” name like John or something like that. Clearly, we had an FNG joining us this morning without the PAX member who EH’d him. (No worries, Walleye, we took care of him).

5:30 – Disclaimer and we were off heading towards the City Park office.


SSH, Mountain Climbers, Hillbillies, Windmills, Arm Circles.

The Thang

Mosey to the Foundry. Along the way, the FNG became quite interested in each of our names. “I bet you aren’t an Auburn fan.” YHC knew then we had a genius on our hands


Partner up. As a pair complete the following as one PAX member runs to the track and back:

Burpees X 50

Overhand Claps X 100

Merkins X150

Big Boy Sit-Ups X 200

Squats X 250


Mosey to the beginning of the Roosevelt Mall. At the first bench complete 5 dips, 2nd bench 10 dips…carry on till you get to 40. Mosey back to the flag.

Our FNG competed like a champion. Turns out he served in the Air Force, flys for FedEx and had a royal blue shirt. He throughly enjoyed supporting the Navy and proudly accepted the name Blue Angel.


*Sorry for the delay in writing the backblast. As always it was a pleasure to lead this great group of men.