11 Blockheads
11 Blockheads

11 Blockheads

PAX:Ackbar, Barely Legal, Cowbell, Einstein, Grover, Jose 10k, Maverick, Moby Dick, Smoky, Steve and TurboTax

11 blockheads posted at The Gipper this morning for an Ackbar inspired beat down. After a warmup of Imperial Walkers, Toe Touches, OH Hand Claps, Windmills, Merkins and Squats, all 10x and IC, the PAX recovery walked over to the Brickyard to secure coupons and brace themselves for The Thang.

8 sets of 4 minute blocks: 10 coupon swings every minute on the minute for 2 minutes, another exercise for a full minute, and then a minute rest. When the dust settled, the PAX had performed 160 coupon swings and 1 full minute each of Coupon Merkins, Bulgarian Split Squats each leg, Manmakers, Around the Worlds each direction, RDLs, and coupon Al Gores.

Countorama, nameorama and a Jadeveon inspired prayer. If you haven’t read Jadeveon’s recent BB, Leave No Man Behind, it’s worth your time.

Thanks for letting me lead guys.