Wednesdays at Pontiff Have a Name.
Wednesdays at Pontiff Have a Name.

Wednesdays at Pontiff Have a Name.

The Mascot of Pontiff Playground is the Blue Devil, or El Diablo Azul as Yankee would say.  The Blue Devil is an evil being.  He desires our sadness.  He uses his weapons to isolate us.  He wants us to be lonely.  Then he uses deception to create mistrust.  His latest ploy of using a global pandemic that isolates us in the name of protecting others is quite genius.  To then use a senseless act of violence to further drive us apart was diabolical, but then again, he is El Diablo. 

But we have the weapons to defeat him.  The three Fs are his kryptonite.  El Diablo Azul is the Lord of Inaction.  Tomorrow morning, he will tell you stay in bed when that alarm goes off.  “You need the rest,” he will say.  He will tell you to stay physically and socially distant from others.  He will tell you to group others into easily dismissible stereotypes and that there is no need to hear their side.  He will tell you that there is no hope and there is nothing you can do.  He will coerce you into inaction. 

So when that alarm goes off in the morning – Be a man of action.  Join us in the gloom as we conquer El Diablo.