First Official Northshore H8!
First Official Northshore H8!

First Official Northshore H8!

PAX:Akbar, Baby Yoda, Barely Legal, BBQ, Bushwacker, Cowbell, Flea, Freon, Jose 10k, Hammer, Hermit, Mathlete, Moby Dick, Pea Shooter, Pick Axe, Russo, Shooter, Steve, Toto, TurboTax and Zoolander

The inquiries started as soon as Steve announced the 3rd semi-annual Northshore H8! in his weekly e-mail blast. Would YHC get it right this year? Couched in the politest terms possible, the PAX wanted to know. So after reassuring everyone who asked that yes I knew what I was doing this time, YHC privately reviewed his notes from the last two fiascos, scoured Hawgcycle’s backblast from the recent Southshore challenge, and secretly consulted with Cowbell to confirm his conclusions. The result of all was, I think, a successful running of the Northshore H8! Finally.

But first there was the warmup and a memorable warmup it was when 9 year old Pick Axe agreed to help prepare the PAX by leading his favorite exercises. YHC and Pick Axe rotated with Seal Jacks, SSHs, Hillbillies, IWs, lunges, toe touches, and arm circles. Once he adjusted his volume to screaming 9 year old level, Pick Axe performed flawlessly. The PAX really enjoyed it, and the presence of so many sons with their fathers in the early morning Mandeville Lakefront gloom has been a real boost to our fellowship and wholesome mission.

So everyone was feeling pretty good on the mosey to that famous landmark, the Lakefront Shaft, and the starting line for the 3rd semi-annual but 1st official Northshore H8! Once YHC got through the instructions over Bushwacker’s questions, comments, thoughts, and philosophical musings, we were off.

Of course, the Northshore PAX cannot replicate the Southshore’s version of the H8! precisely because we don’t have levees and a figure 8 was out of the question (it would be like playing Frogger with the traffic). We did our best and if truth be told it was more like a HS! YHC marked out a .4 mile out and back course which included a bridge with minuscule elevation change and cones measuring 35 yards apart. The first lap required each PAX to run and bear crawl the course and then perform 8 burpees and 36 hand release Merkins upon returning to the starting line. Rinse and repeat with the number of burpees and Merkins decreasing by 1 each lap. The objective was to complete 8 laps in 40 minutes. Total of over 3 miles running, 550 yards of bear crawls, 36 burpees and 120 hand release Merkins for the 8 laps.

There were some impressive performances. This type of workout tends to favor the little guys and the guys who like to run. The guys who can lift appliances with their pinkie fingers when helping their friends move generally do not like this workout. But YHC didn’t hear any negative mumble chatter and only witnessed lots of effort. The 40 minute buzzer finally sounded and we made our way back to the shovel flag where we wrapped things up in our COT, Hammer praying us out.

Thanks for letting me lead guys. SYITG.