Stranger Things
Stranger Things

Stranger Things

PAX:Akbar, Cowbell, Grover, Pixie Stix, Steve, Waterpik

It was quite nice in the gloom this morning when YHC and Grover arrived to a cool 65 degrees and a clean Milestone Marsh. We noticed that the picnic tables had been moved to the far side of the fence, something I’ve never witnessed before. That would be the beginning of the strangest post I’ve ever been a part of in my short time at F3.

Pik, Pixie Stix, and Steve soon arrived and we circled up with OYO stretching and grumbling of sore shoulders from H8!

Warm Up:  SSH, Imperial Walkers, Self-Love, and Arm Circles front and back x 20 each

Cowbell came speeding in as usual – having arrived on time at Grandma’s House just a few minutes earlier – realizing it was Monday rather than Tuesday. 

Short jog down to Mariny and back; pick up blocks and meet at the corner of the court for instructions

Thang: Block Murph 

YHC was explaining we would honor our veterans today, specifically Lieutenant Murphy, since yesterday was Veterans Day. But it actually wasn’t, because Veterans Day is this Wednesday. Can you see a pattern here?

4 corners:   

20 Block Curls, 20 Block Rows, 40 Block Presses, 60 Goblet Squats, .2mile run

Rifle Carry on long sides of the court, 1 arm farmer carry on short sides

Rinse and Repeat x 5

YHC had some anthem tunes ready, specifically for Hammer (no show), and was worried a bit about how loud it might be so early in the morning – keeping it low not to disturb the neighbors.

Round 1 was finished 10 minutes in when things really got weird. 4-5 vehicles pulled up to the Marsh with windows down, bass thumps, music blaring, and @8 people stepped out with khaki cargo pants, jackets, flashlights, and .…….basketballs?

What is happening man? Who decides to play bball in the dark @ 5:30 on a Monday morning? We pressed on, and modified an already modified Murph by moving to the street. 3rd round in, we saw a few people riding their bikes past the Marsh fully dressed in non-workout attire, presumably on their way to work or coming in from the night. 

15 minutes left, another modification was announced. We would finish the last 2 rounds of block work, make 1 more run and call it a day.

All finished with 100 Curls, 100 Rows, 200 Block Presses, and 300 Block Squats. And some running.

Mary:  1 minute left, Crunchy Frogs for Cowbell, IC. Only YHC did not do Crunchy Frogs, but American Hammers. After being called out, quickly switched to the correct exercise until 6:00am 

COT: Grover prayed us out

Even the COT was strange, our blocks still by our side, loud flashlight basketball, and another strange occurrence. Guy comes out of the house across the street and starts his car, moves it out of the way – parking it on the side street –  then starts his other car up and takes off – leaving the original backed out car still running.

Count, Name-O-Rama, Announcements

Thursday Oct 12th: 1 Mile time trial at the Scramble, F2 Flag making party @ Cowbell’s, Turkey Trot on Turkey day

This is one beatdown I will never forget. Thanks for letting me lead.

