A New Old Route – from Kuch
A New Old Route – from Kuch

A New Old Route – from Kuch

PAX:Abacus, AC/DC, Amnesty, Backed up, Cracklin, Kuch, Pop-Tart, Rudy, Saban, Tool

YHC took the Stomp yesterday for an injured Snooze, who fell victim to the streets of New Orleans during a Rudy Q the week before. Some may blame the street; I choose to blame Rudy.

YHC promised “something cool” in the LVCC groupme, and then was immediately forced to actually think of something cool. Cart, horse… as long as they all get there.

The “something cool” ended up being running the old route down Marconi toward the Lake, but on the newly completed running path. The running path is great, and the faster guys should be able to make it all the way to Lakeshore Drive and back along its protected boundaries. This beats the hell out of running down Marconi in the dark, under the tree cover, with little shoulder and cars going 40.

As the Site Q for the Stomp, YHC would make this the official new route, but I’m sure that would have the opposite effect, as a cascade of Q’s show up just to let me know that I am definitely not the boss of them (or anyone else for that matter). So for now, let’s just say it’s one of the available options.

We went 20 out, 20 back, and a few minutes of stretching. We were joined by Pop Tart’s pup, who has since unofficially been named Pup Tart. Credit to Saban on that one.

Pothole joined us as well, although he still needs to register on the site. T-claps to him regardless: he started 2 weeks ago and has hardly missed a workout. Pretty impressive.

We gave thanks and remembered those who are struggling. As always, this group is one of the many things YHC is truly thankful to have found.