A View to a Kill–er Beatdown – from Bolt
A View to a Kill–er Beatdown – from Bolt

A View to a Kill–er Beatdown – from Bolt

With a lukewarm Celsius energy drink in my cup holder, I scanned the sky for the remnants of a 600 year lunar event that was nowhere to be found, somewhat disappointed I didn’t venture outside at whatever I times I woke up during the window that surely was THE event. Nonetheless, I’d put my feet on the floor with a commitment to wake up early and do hard stuff, particularly since it was my Q. Surely the PAX I called out with @mentions would follow their guilt West to Kenna hoping the once-in-ten lifetimes celestial event would compel them to as well. Upon pulling up to the AO, my expectations slightly sank as I began to wonder if I’d have the fortitude of a Logo, who solo Q’d/PAX’d a mere two days before!? As I grumbled to myself about not wearing pants or a hat today given the malevolent wind, what should appear but a Mambi, the site Q, in his sheet metal cocoon offering me a warm respite as we awaited other PAX. Alas, 5:30 came and I gave the requisite disclaimer from the warm environs, urging us toward the elements to begin the Bolt 3M promise.

Warmup: SSH x22, Abe SLOWgodas x10, arm circles forward/back, overhead/seal claps, chinooks forward/back, Moroccan night clubs all x15, self love x10, Toy Soldiers x20, raised arm squat holds x10

Grab a coupon and waiter carry, switching arms half way-ish crossing the levy to the blustery-er side (that’s a word, right Hawg!?) with angry waves crashing the shoreline rocks. What might my lone compatriot think of this seemingly innocuous start to a beatdown? Were he here, Mahatma surely would be trying to contain his disdain and pursing his lips, lest he ask when either the cardio or the lactic acid would ramp up!? Alas, YHC explained the initial exercises would be a slow burn that primed the body for the second group of exercises. What’s that, you say!? You’ve never heard of those listed below? Would I describe them for you!? NEIN! Curiosity will bring you here for my next Q on 11/29 and I’ll gladly teach you the secret handshake—if you ask nicely…
Supine spinal stretch
Low lunge to half split
90-90 stretch
Thread the needle
The real real:
Kettlebell swings>Primal Walkout>Sit-up-to-punch combo>coupon thrusters AMRAP 45sec work/30 secs rest between exercises (rinse/repeat).
Carry coupons home>COT
While few in numbers, mighty in spirit; I’ll return to Q this AO merely for the epic sunrise; until we meet again…