Almost a Visit to Granny’s – from Akbar
Almost a Visit to Granny’s – from Akbar

Almost a Visit to Granny’s – from Akbar

PAX:Akbar, Jose 10k, Speedy, Vagabond

YHC’s plan was to mosey to Granny’s for the main thang, but a backup plan was made after a peek at the weather last night. Unsure that anyone would arrive – with Pik still camping and JV announcing the fartsack at coffeeteria Saturday – YHC was pleasantly surprised when 3 cars pulled up at 5:14. Arriving to a dude with a flashlight and 2 bikes, with stuff strewn all over the aluminum picnic tables – where the back up beatdown would ensue – the backup plan was initiated and modified. Confirmed by Jose 10k, saying “I hope you don’t plan on going anywhere today.” We stayed at the courts and got down to business.

PAX: Akbar, Jose 10k, Speedy, Vagabond

Wu – SSH, Toe Touches, High Knees, Butt Kicks, Arm Circles (F/B), Self-Love, IW, Hillbillies

7’s pull ups and squats

11’s Benches: Freak Nasty, karaoke half court, then run – Renegade Row Merkin

Recovery walk

7’s Benches: Peter Parker with feet on bench, backward run half court/run, Tuck Jumps (modification jump squat or squat). Modification was taken by all but Speedy, who seemed to be the only one that could get his knees up that high:)

11’s Stone Mountain, run, Squat

Mary – LBC’s x 10

Count Name, and YHC prayed us out.

Announcements: Zoorich Classic Saturday


Always good to have a backup plan in place. It wasn’t exactly what I pictured, but it worked.

Wasn’t sure if anyone would actually show, so I brought a cinder block and some dumbells for a secondary workout if I was alone.

Lots of legs today, and Speedy said his track coach was going to kill him with Districts tomorrow. After which Jose had my back saying how good it was to do other sports complementing track.