Ramble at the Scramble  – from Russo
Ramble at the Scramble – from Russo

Ramble at the Scramble – from Russo

PAX:Bird, Bushwhacker, JV, Speedy, Shooter, Steve, Waterpik, Zoolander, Russo

Mid 60s and overcast this morning, but no rain to speak of as a Pax of 9 gathered to run or ruck. Some things become old hat, which denotes old fashioned, predictable, uninspired, but to me its connotation is comfortable, stable, and reliable. Maybe not the best for pushing ourselves each and every week, but it will do well on a Thursday morning.

Warmup (all 10x -15x IC, except for Whacker who’s on IR)
– Self love
– Toe touches
– Grass grabbers
– High Knees
– Butt Kicks
– Imperial squat walkers


5 runners (Bird, Pik, Speedy, Steve, Zoo) and 4 Ruckers (JV, Shooter, Whacker, YHC) took to the streets for “normal”, classic, traditional routes with maybe a twist or two thrown in.

Rucker conversation included casinos, Metairie traffic, fabric softener, LA looks hair products, Mardi Gras, and Italian food, in addition to making continued progress on solving all of the world’s problems.

COT, Count, Name-O-Rama, Announcements, and Prayer closed us out.

Special intention to F3 Knoxville on the passing of Cardinal and a reminder to us all to keep an eye out for each other.

Gents, thank you for reading and joining. My goal is to Q each of the AOs this year (maybe not the Au Lait with the Sabbath and all), so 2 down, 5 to go.