The Fools of April – from Reluctant Yankee
The Fools of April – from Reluctant Yankee

The Fools of April – from Reluctant Yankee

QIC:Reluctant Yankee
PAX:Reluctant Yankee, Almonaster, Bullseye, Landing Strip, Douille, and Jingle Vader

1/2 dozen pax posted for a workout meant to spark the metabolism enough to digest the anticipated breaking of fast at Panolas post beatdown. Quite a few pax out of rotation due to Hawgs for the Cause.
I like to keep things moving so a quick jog over the base of WPM.
COP 1: SSH, Paul Imperial Walkers, Mtn Climbers and Roaches x 20
Run up to the 4th floor – plank using the wall for leverage.
Leg lifts right and left from the captains chair
COP 2: walking plank using wall x 20, walking plank with legs using wall x 20
Run to the 6th FLOOR – use the park stop aka curb aka Almonaster knew the name of it
COP 3: to do MERKS round the clock x 12 facing 12 oclock, 3oclock, 6 oclock, 9 and then finished
Run to the top of Wolfpack Mtn
COP 4: Fire hydrants x 20 each leg, bird dogs x 20 each side, Lil baby obliques left and right x 20
DO A LAP ON THE STAIRWELL – down and then back up
COP 5: Plank Jacks x 20, Jlos x 20, Shoulder taps x 20 and Freddies mercurys x 20
DO A LAP ON THE STAIRWELL – down then back up
COP 6: Nolan Ryans and Hip dips each side x 20, Low Country Crabs
Back down the stairs to the bench alley
Here will did a quick 20 dips then a slow cadence 20 dips.
Back to flag. Glad to get a solid beatdown in with these guys.