Scrambling along!!! – from Shooter
Scrambling along!!! – from Shooter

Scrambling along!!! – from Shooter

PAX:Bushwacker, Russo, Speedy Gonzales, Steve, Waterpik, Zoolander, JV

Great mix on this mild morning at the Scramble.. We had 3 runners, 3 joggers and 2 Ruckers and it all worked according to plan.. YHC would like to thank two of the runners Bushwacker and Zoolander for pulling back their reins 🐎🐎 to jog along with the BIG 🐳🐳 of the group. Admittedly, as well as visually the Q has packed on some pounds and the time has come to get focused again too shed the extras gained.. The Queen has always been the struggle.. JV and Russo graciously and comically reminded YHC about his statement from coffateria on Saturday.. Committing to eating 🐠 🐠 for the next two weeks as he and the M travel abroad on a cruise filled with endless buffets and refreshments to satisfy anyone’s pleasure… Guys, this is the moment one must literally remove my 🦶🏻from my mouth… What was I thinking in saying this? The temptations will be overwhelming and this guy has fallen to less pressures admittedly… I guess the short of this rant, I will do my best to hold true. I am grateful that the Raiderpride community amongst the PAX are sure to ask upon my return how things went…

Let me just give you the answer now..
#epicfail 😬😬😬

However, when I return I look forward to these F3 brethren pushing back at me and holding me accountable to the main goals… ACCELERATING in all 3Fs that has kept me committed to this PAX for 6 years…

10IC Grass grabbers, Carolina dry docks, Toe Touches, Scorpion kicks, Bridges, wife pleasers, SSH and self love..

Steve, Speedy and Waterpik off and down W beach ti Lakeshore and backup the street passed the bridge.

Bushwacker, Zoolander and YHC standard route with sunset point minus the pier still..

JV and Russo rucking to Sunset point and returning..

Joggers and runners received 6 mins of Mary consisting of ETKs, LMCs, Flutters, Hello Dollies, Rosalita’s, Nolan Ryan’s, Leg raises, 💯s and Jane Fonda’s!!!

PAX announced and placed wagers on how long Bushwacker survives silence at Manresa this weekend. Contact your local book for the odds.. 😂

Seriously though the PAX hope he enjoys the experience, which I am sure he will..

Appreciate you HIMs for showing up and showing out as usual until the next Gloom