The scramble goes Open Mike  – from The Hammer
The scramble goes Open Mike – from The Hammer

The scramble goes Open Mike – from The Hammer

QIC:The Hammer
PAX:Hammer, Jose10k, Speedy Gonzales, Waterpik, Russo

Hot, but not record heat. Humid, but not record humidity.

No official Q this morning, so Hammer led, YHC takes the backblast to appease PaxMiner.


Cherry Pickers
Toe touches
Hammer’s favorite stretch
25 merkins

Feet moved, some faster than others. Rucks were rucked by Jose and YHC. Runs were run by Mr. Miata, Hammer, and the resilient Waterpik, working through his recent injury like a champion. You can’t keep a good man down.

COT, Name-o-Rama, and prayer closed us out, until…it was comedian’s showcase. In an unexpected twist, what began as a serious prayer intention turned into a joke involving bridges to Hawaii. Not to be outdone, Pik took the mike and dropped the Hammer (figuratively) with his own version of a biblically themed wisecrack. Before Mr. Miata could break out his favorite limerick, we disbursed into the gloom. Rule number 1 for a good comedian: always leave them wanting more.