Mayhem III – from Mahatma
Mayhem III – from Mahatma

Mayhem III – from Mahatma

PAX:Bogey, Left Coast, Mahatma, Mayhem, Mr. Feeny, Pool Boy, Rudy, Vagabond, Wedding Planner, Manzel

Pax are motivated by different things….this time it was “rice”, Minuterice to be exact. Got a text that he wanted to participate in his 2nd beatdown of the week so I looked at the schedule and saw no Q for El Diablo and figured why not. The plan – “Mayhem”! To YHC’s disappointment yet understanding a text came thru from MR that he had daddy duty and couldn’t make it. Well the train was already in motion so let the load be carried on.

As normal YHC pulled up 7:28 – time piece in hand, disclaimer made and it begins.

Short mosey to a non ant grass patch warmup.
Various cadence of:
Side Lunges
Lung Position Arm Circle
Mnt Man Poopers
Mnt Climbers
Shoulder Taps

7 Minutes of Silence

Mosey to rock pile with instructions to get a Heavy rock. Walk to the hill during which there was a bit of lollygagging so YHC figured we’d finish together via Indian Run.

Once at the Hill – A “water down” version of Mayhem was outlined:
1771 up and over the hill carrying the rock.
Curl/Sqt Press
Head to the top 3 Burpees
Sqt Press/Curl
Head to the top 5 Merkins
YHC anticipated a little chatter as to past failure primarily do to pax being oxygen deprived and not thinking clearly so it was made simply clear just follow the directions when given

After completing 4 rounds – Pax were instructed to drop their rocks and assemble at the front of the hill, slightly gassed we did one loop around bearcrawl style.
Resume where you left off.
There wasn’t much chatter but a lot of work.
YHC completed the task while @Vagabond crushed everyone and started over….Hmmm?
YCH instructed all pax to return to the front of the hill with their rocks, then we left them there and assembled at the back of the hill – 1/2 loop back bearcrawl.
Grab our rock and return.

Be present!!! God Bless