Friday the 13th: Not so scary  – from Russo
Friday the 13th: Not so scary – from Russo

Friday the 13th: Not so scary – from Russo

PAX:Pelican, Russo

YHC is a huge horror movie fan. Although each persons definition of what defines horror is different, for me, it probably includes excessive heat, running, burpees, and pull-ups. It definitely includes the smell of month-old Jose sweat in a jar splashing Zoolander.

Fortunately none of those things were present this morning. Generally cooler 67 degrees, the “running” looked more like a slow mosey to continue the mumblechatter, and I wouldn’t plan a beatdown with pull-ups if my life depended on it. I like my left shoulder too much to have it scream in pain for a week. As a result, Friday the 13th was not so scary and we made it to the end alive.

Warmup – all IC, 10x
– SSHs
– Cherry pickers
– Toe touches
– Arm circles
– Imperial walkers


Mosey to the bridge off Jackson Ave., stopping every block or so for 10 merkins, 20 SMCs, and finally 30 plankjacks.

Once we reached the bridge, it was cross the bridge in varying fashion doing 7s, donkey kicks and kid n plays.

Crossing the bridge, we did:
– Mosey (2x)
– Lunges
– Side shuffles
– Carioca
– Backpedal

Mosey back to start, where it was a short Mary of 20 IC crunches and crunchy frogs, just in time for The COT, Name-o-Rama, and prayer to close us out.

Excellent conversation today as always. Thanks for reading.