Fog? Smoke? What is it? – from Waterpik
Fog? Smoke? What is it? – from Waterpik

Fog? Smoke? What is it? – from Waterpik

PAX:Akbar, Moby Dick

It seemed like a perfect start to the Halloween season. A heavy, spooky fog mixed with smoke from marsh fires in the area greeted the PAX at the marsh, making visibility low. Cool temps, 60 degrees, it was peaceful on the streets of old mandeville.

Brief warmup, then hit the playground for 5 sets of pull-ups.

Main entree today was 4 corners. Mosey around the block stopping at each intersection for 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 core exercises (your choice). Rinse and repeat until the closing bell.

Announcements: Russos Halloween themed beatdown on the Lakefront Saturday. Wear a costume! Also, Bushwackers camp out in Mississippi on November 4th.

Thanks to moby dick for praying us out.