Morning at the Market – from T-Square
Morning at the Market – from T-Square

Morning at the Market – from T-Square

PAX:Slinger, T-Square

Two pax showed up on a cold rainy Tuesday morning (no lightning) and scooted over to the Gretna Market for a relatively dry beat down.

It starts with a quick warmup lap followed by Abe vagodas, cherry pickers, and sun gods to warm up.

The Thang starts with two rounds of apple turnover, traversing the length of the covered market alternating between bear crawl and crab walk at each column bay.

Next, a round of 11’s alternating between burpees and plank jacks at either end of the market plus 30 LBC after each lap.

We followed that with 12 rounds of Tabata, cycling 40 seconds of exercise and 20 seconds of recovery with the following exercises:
Shoulder taps for rounds 1 & 4
Lunges for rounds 2 & 5
Box cutters for 3&6
20 second of additional recovery
Merkins for rounds 7&10
Calf raises for rounds 8&11
box cutters again for rounds 9&12
Then 10 more burpees for fun OYO followed by static leg stretches (echo count).

We closed with CoT
And with that, two pax left the market energized for the day ahead.