The SWAT-a-thon – from Jose10k
The SWAT-a-thon – from Jose10k

The SWAT-a-thon – from Jose10k

PAX:BBQ, Bushwacker, Fletch, Jose10k, Mobydick, DarkWingDuck, "Mindless" Einstein

5 HIMS took the red pill this morning to put in the work on a warm but humid morning. The warm-up was the usual stretches of the old and sore muscles and joints. We started off on the second floor to a round of 11s. Squats on the top, burpees on the bottom, back pedal down, sprint to the top. During this workout, we began to notice an organization of individuals on the first floor. As time passed, the number of people grew. As did their weaponry and kevlar. We believe we saw the organization of a SWAT raid, as they each got into unmarked vehicles and drove off. Anywho, we finished up and did one armed row along the fence in cadence (2 rounds) followed by hip flexors. Then 2 calf raises up the stairs (can’t come to the A1C without calf raises). Lt. Dan the length of the parking garage and came back to circle up on your 6. Wife pleasers (all day and all night), another A1C favorite. A few more core and we were done. Intentions for Freon and his wife, Dark Wings friends’ father, and Fletch prayed us out. It was good to see Dark Wing and BBQ post again. Always glad when you get the band back together, we just were a “mindless” Einstein away from having a reunion tour. RunCajunRun has one more team on the northshore looking for members. Hammer has the Q tomorrow. As always, stay safe, stay dry, avoid the mud puddles, but never avoid the beatdowns. SYITG