Goldmine Valentines – from Bolt
Goldmine Valentines – from Bolt

Goldmine Valentines – from Bolt

PAX:Bolt, Boo-Boo, PVC, Rev Sox, Space Cowboy

YHC put out the call to bring life back to our fledgling AO as Shrove Tuesday led right to Ash Wednesday—time for sacrifice and repentance to begin along with sweethearts and amoré; 4 other pax heeded the call, with Rev’s HC including a caveat to run.

Warmorama featuring the requisite song but with more S&M than usual: sun salutation with forward folds, figure 4 squats, tie fighters alternating legs/direction, OH/seal claps, self love, Abe SLOWgodas.

The thang: morning calls followed by a slowsey to JPAX with a change in MOT at each light: KnOT, high knees, lunge, karaoke each direction, mosey.

10 burpees OYO, mosey to get coupons for Valentines pairings: 2 consecutive exercises 14 reps each (channeling my inner Rudy with number play—2/14, get it?!) x 3 rounds with 10 blockees between each round.
1: curls + pull throughs
2: Kettle bell swings + Big Boys (coupon)
3: lying on back, move coupon with outstretched arms from above the head to above chest and sit up in a single motion

3/2/1s: 3 minutes of LBCs, 2 minutes of chest press, 1 minute of squats, 30
seconds rest between each exercise keeping track of reps (Bolt 148 LBC, Space Cowboy 90ish chest press and 50ish squats).
Indian frisbee run back to flag: last guy throws frisbee to lead runner and a catch results in thrower running to front while catcher hands it back to the new last guy who continues the cycle non-stop. A missed catch requires 5 burpees from all pax before thrower can advance to front—needless to say, we did many burpees to get back to the flag. COT.