Respect, Respect
Respect, Respect

Respect, Respect

QIC:Papa Smurf
PAX:Hokie Pokie, Say Cheese, WingNut, Woodstock, Mahatma, Disclaimer, Kenner Brah, Mambi, The Joy, Chips, BooBoo, Pai Gow

Today’s Q goal was to get a good full body workout and to keep moving. 13 PAX showed up for the beat down.

At 0530 the warm up began.

Smurf jacks, Peter Parker’s, Froggies, Parker Peter’s, Don Quixote, Arms circles

The Thang: 45 secs per exercise, 10 second rest between each.

Prisoner squat, Jack knife, Hand release pushups, Carolina dry docks, Wife pleasers, Jump Squats, American hammer, Dive bomber pushups, Alternating plank toe touch,

After completing these workouts for two round we moseyed to the wall for some “line of fire.” First, at the wall, we did Rocky Balboa for a little extra warm up. For the “line of fire” the PAX did a wall sit, while each Pax down the line did 10 donkey kicks. Next round was wall sits, donkey kicks, then they held the high plank. Next, they held the high plank and did shoulder taps. Lastly they held the high plank and did Peter Parker’s. With 3 minutes remaining more Rocky Balboa were due.

We closed with good spirits and a COT.