<span class="vcard">Steve</span>

A Tale of Two Beatdowns

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, and…. yes, it was certainly the age of foolishness. The Pax were presented with two choices this morning, follow the Wacker of Bushes off to the Marsh where 35 lbs. cinderblocks awaited …


5 men did the annual 9/11 stair climb on Tuesday to remember and honor those 2792 men, women, and children who died 18 years ago. Hard to believe it’s that long ago already, and how much that event changed our world. With the grueling Iron Pax Challenge happening both the …

The Backup

Being called in as a last minute backup can go one of two ways: either you’re a little stressed because you have to plan a beatdown quickly, or maybe the opposite, a little too relaxed, shirking that preparation because… hey, you’re the backup, what’re they expecting? Now, I’m not gonna …

The Sounds of Silence

It has been awhile since YHC has even thought about a beatdown where no one showed.  Come to think of it, I can pinpoint it to when Cowbell washed ashore this side of the lake.  With Pik consistently posting to the Marsh and Cowbell now consistently posting at Granny’s, you …