Holy piñata! It’s a tabata plankorama, Batman!
Holy piñata! It’s a tabata plankorama, Batman!

Holy piñata! It’s a tabata plankorama, Batman!

PAX:Captain Sparkles, Cowbell, Shooter, Steve, Waterpik

Five PAX made it out to the Marsh this morning, itching to get back to work after a grueling holiday weekend.  This included a special appearance by (Chief) Captain Sparkles, who posted despite a traumatic rope swing injury suffered while impressing a lady.

YHC imagines it looked something like this…

Despite the busted arm, Sparkles suffered through the beatdown admirably, and we’re all hoping that, once healed, this’ll be the start of a Sparklanaissance. Ok, so here’s what went down this morning:

Warmorama: Arm circles, SSHs, IWs, toe touches, good mornings, all x20 IC.

Next up, knock out half the ISI with a 2 minute plank.  Shooter got an early start on this, planking as YHC arrived, so t-claps to him for getting a little extra in today. (And while we’re t-clapping, let’s also give it up for Waterpik, who continued his trend of running to the AO’s. At least someone is preparing for the Nutria!)

Then over to the monkey bars for a tabata series.  We did three 4-minute series of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest.  We alternated between two different exercise each round.

First round:  merkins / big boy sit-ups

Second round: squat jumps / burpees

Third round: hanging knee tucks / mountain climbers

Next up, a game of Catch Me If You Can: Partner 1 runs toward the lake, P2 does 10 plank jacks and 10 mountain climbers before sprinting to catch up.  Flapjack.

Once at the lake, we finished up our ISI with another 2 minute plank on the sea wall.

Since we were there, why not knock out freak nasties, x15 IC?  YHC resisted the (very strong) urge to jump into some Bulgarians…

And then another Catch Me If You Can back to the marsh, this time with 10x merkins as the exercise.

Mary consisted of Cowbell Flutters, LBC’s, Freddie’s, and leg raises, all x20 IC.  

COT, with Shooter praying us out.  This is hands down the best way to start off the work week, so thank you guys for the opportunity to lead, and for your dedication and consistency!