Burpees & Sprints & Mary – Rinse and Repeat
Burpees & Sprints & Mary – Rinse and Repeat

Burpees & Sprints & Mary – Rinse and Repeat

PAX:Walleye, Bubba, Tool, Out For Justice, Kim-Chi, Tinker, Amnesty, Griswald, Da Parish, Mr Awesome, Fracsac

Eleven men of F3 gathered around the shovel flag in the gloom, committing to improve. There was a slight fog, but the temperature was perfect. YHC was very happy with the turnout, and after a quick disclaimer…..

The Thang
Mosey to the track for the Warm up, which quickly became the COP #1
SSH IC x 31 (Because 31 is just what we do now)
10 x Burpees OYO
IW IC x 15
9 x Burpees OYO
Windmills x 10
8 Burpees OYO
Hill Billies x 15
7 Burpees OYO
Peter Parkers x 15
6 Burpees OYO
Parker Peters x 15
5 Burpees OYO

Now that YHC had the attention of the PAX, it was time to get down to business.

Track Fun #1
Sprint the 100M straight part of the track
5 x Burpees at the corner
Mosey the 100M curve
5 x Burpees at the corner
Sprint the 100M straight part
5 x Burpees at the corner
Mosey the 100M curve
5 x Burpees at the corner
Mumble chatter…something about Burpees

COP #2 – Mary #1
Partner up – wait we have 11 PAX! How do we partner up? How do these numbers work? Answer to follow…
One PAX down and holds the second standing PAX legs for support – Leg Throws x 15 – alternate left, right, and center. Switch positions.
On your six, lock legs and do alternating situps x 30 (15 for each PAX)
Some of the PAX misunderstood the directions, and did additional leg throws. For this reason, YHC had those that finished do additional situps, one PAX standing on the other PAX feet. 10 x situps, then switch until all PAX finished the original leg throws and alternating situps. This was in lieu of planking….more mumble chatter.
Once all PAX finished….Rinse and Repeat – now that all the PAX were on board with how to do it, it went smoother – so……Rinse and Repeat!

Track Fun #2
Sprint the 100M straight part of the track
5 x Burpees at the corner
Mosey the 100M curve
5 x Burpees at the corner
Sprint the 100M straight part
5 x Burpees at the corner
Mosey the 100M curve
5 x Burpees at the corner

COP #3 – Mary #2
The ladies boot camp took our turf, but YHC knows how to improvise….
To the other smaller turf on the other side of the track!
Partner up and 15 x Leg Throws each, followed by alternating situps x 15 each.
Since the PAX has the hang of it now…..
Rinse and Repeat…..They really get it now! So….
Rinse and Repeat!
Only a couple minutes left…..
More Mary!
Flutter Kicks IC x 20
Tin Snips IC x 10 (My new favorite courtesy of HVAC)
Mosey to the Flag….
As the PAX approaches the flag, the eleventh PAX is doing flutter kicks! Mr Awesome couldn’t find us, but did not give up and completed the workout, joining us for the COT!

Announcements, Intentions, Ball of Man, and Prayer.

The day is always better when we start in the gloom…..
Thanks for letting me lead.