Don’t Fear the Reaper – from Paradox
Don’t Fear the Reaper – from Paradox

Don’t Fear the Reaper – from Paradox

PAX:Goose, Enron, Fresh Gi, Fire in the Hole, Safety Valve, Smooth, Jack Nimble, Tractior, Diddle, America’s Best, Honeysuckle, Popeye

YHC rolled in a touch early to the Peltch to lay out a few stations for our trick or treaters. Greeting Ronnie and Fresh Gi on the way I made a few cone deposits, worked up a lather and visited the haunted ghost toilet for an early backblast. Jeaux had been correct previously noting the eeriness of a densely fogged peltch morning and YHC planned to weave it into todays theme.

On return Ronnie and Gi had been joined by a stout group of 12 more pax. It was another true gloom and YHC had trouble distinguishing everyone but found early inspiration in a returned Fire in the Hole and a sweaty HoneySuckle, already 7 miles deep on the day. (Campaign to rename him RunnySuckle?)

Slowly noting my error in a late groupme invite to wear a costume YHC was ready to be “that guy”’when the Old Testament Tundra rolled in and out stepped Malachi Obadiah Dawson the IV , the great Shepard/Prophet/Early Church Father( his story is in one of those apocryphal books so don’t sweat it ).
It was a clear sign the cardio strain was about to get biblical.
Let’s get it !

Duke! Get the candy corn
It’s F3 Thib Halloween!

Frankensteins (shout out to America’s FrankenBeast )
Bat Wings (10 AC, 10 CP, MNCs, Self Love )
HIgh Knees, Butt Kicks

Indian run to ThunderDome with last man dropping off for 3 Peter Parker Merkins as a shoutout to Gooses lifelong love of the spidey suit.
Because if a full grown man can’t be spiderMan every year till he’s 99 then what are we even doing with all this freedom ?!

We had a fine Indian run with some Halloween selected jamz leading us back to the Tdome for jurps and treats.

As this backblast goes to print we are 28 days into what the critics are calling the greatest ISI of our age. Jurptober has had it all. Feats of strength, bonding, betrayal, ghost poops, Merkin miles, berkin miles (hushtones), ageless wonders, Google sheets meltdowns..all under the careful eye of the Architect. So it was difficult for YHC to refresh the jurpee but if there’s one thing that always moves the needle in F3 Thib it’s the feared emom timer…
YHC dialed up 2 minutes with 3 kraken burpees as the kicker.
All finished in fine form and Smooth beat the clock on round two of the Kraken by atleast 14 seconds.

**Trick or Treat**
Roll first dye – Take standard 15 reps (treat) OR add the trick and roll the second die with lower or higher. (Die have 5-10-15-20-25-30)
We rolled every time we change locations or as a ten count.
Along the way we did Burpees , BBSU, LBCs and Most Pax chose the conservative 15 rep approach. (Lame!)

Mosey to the Chimney to start the Monster Mash

The Main Thang was all about releasing dat Monster within.
We trained in each of the 4 traditional Halloween monster disciplines. Listed below with their correlating groupme hype actors. Name image and likeness were taken from these men with no consent and they will have little help with litigation as my legal team is busy battling no less than 17 active Jurp citations this month.

Da Monsters:

I.) The Werewolf (Yankee Jeaux Jackson before turning full werewolf in the Thriller video)

7 Werewolf’s (Carolina dry dock into upward dog yoga pose )
Run to the chimney , Nur back
Increase the BBS and decrease werewolves until complete.
This had several pax booking early Monday chiropractic appointments for shoulder evals.

2.) The Zombie
Pax split into equal teams
Hold plank in a line with enough room to frog hop in between. The last pax hop to the front and do 5 merkins. Repeat until your entire team crossed the cone. The return race would be a team arm linked lunge. Epic graveyard race and YHCs vision was too blurry to call it anything but a photo finish.

Mosey to monkey bars

3.) The Vampire (Count Goosula)
Hanging in the Cave
P1 hanging leg raises AMRAP
P2 10 burpees
2 rounds each to complete 40 burpees as a pair.

4.) The Mummy (our Knights in shining Armor Ronnie and Tana)

Pyramid Scheme of Burpees

Bearcrawl to cones
Increasing burpees , then crawl bear during descending burpees

YHC set the course up for some intended gang clashes and was not disappointed when I hit a smooth wrecking ball and was almost shanked by a an optometrist. Ya love to see the competition.

Back to the flag for name off count off

Jurpee numbers (adjust if you see fit)
1 jurp
67 burpees
Merkins depending on graveyard race cycles


AB house party upcoming Nov 11

Goose Leaving the Nest party on Nov 12
(I’m still in denial, it’s just a prank…sigh)

More deets on these in the GroupMe

Ronnie Prayed us out

Had a blast getting better and finding some monsters today men.
Great work
Enjoy a feast on your 2.0s candy
It was well earned.

Here’s a Dox of Chocolates:

Ever found yourself curious as to what a psychedelic experience would feel like? No?…
No one? Okay okay then, play it coy, your secrets safe with me *wink *wink
Buttttt if you had, and didn’t want all the baggage, (health risk, weird shaman named Marley, unhealthy fear of leprechauns) then yesterday morning at Peltier park at approximately 6:39am you had a perfect opportunity. You could have sat right in the Thunderdome, on a bleacher, sober as a church mouse and witnessed quite a trip:

A light fog sizzling off the hard pan spicy grass, backlit by a tremendous blazing full moon. A shadowy hearse standing ominously at center stage. Street light splotches of hazy orange along the pavement. Fluorescent greens and purples from a blow up haunted house add to the dizzying effect. And then you hear the growing foot falls of 11 men, 3 children and a well worn wagon. Led by a desert prophet they jog by single file maniacally tossing dice to and fro. Anchored by a ghostbuster, occasionally one loses all function, drops to the ground and pretends to be spiderMan. They continue in this manner until reaching a pre arranged destination surrounding the hearse. That’s when the shrooms really kick in. They start a synchronous series of exercises while the Blue Oyster Cult reminds them to not fear the reaper. Not satisfied with this they disappear into the gloom looking for more monsters to mash with.

Ya know
Maybe my 6th grade DARE teacher was right
Maybe you can get high on life.

I’ll need a few more beatdown to be sure…
