I’d better get this backblast done before Turbo yells at me
I’d better get this backblast done before Turbo yells at me

I’d better get this backblast done before Turbo yells at me

PAX:Astro, Einstein, Grundy, Shooter, Steve, Turbo-Tax

Have you every felt like “Phil in the backseat of the Mirthmobile?”

Some of you young whippersnappers may not be familiar with Phil, if so, check out this link


So as the heavy weather plowed through Covington early Wednesday morning, it made me think of the lyrics from Bohemian Rhapsody…Thunder Bolt and Lighting very very frightening me….

anyways… with the inclement weather I had to ditch my workout plan and go with the Bohemian Rhapsody:

Bohemian:having informal and unconventional social habit

Rhapsody:episodic yet integrated, free flowing in structure, featuring a range of highly contrasted moods, color, and tonality


Here is how it went in the steady rain:


Warmup: Side Straddle Hops,Squats, Arm Circles, Seal Jacks,Butt Kicks, Toe Touches, Speed-Skater Hops, all 20xIC, with plenty of merkins in between.

Mosey over to the parking garage for Hurdle and Plank fun-o-rama:

Each pax in plank position, spaced about 10 feet from each other. One jumps up and hurdles each of the planking pax, then assumes plank at the end of the line. Did this up the ramps to the upper deck.

Then we ran the stairwells up and down and around with a task (burpees, merkins, ditchdiggers, duckhops) in between each of the four roundtrips.

Then we did a few sets of sprints across the top deck and back. The rain was feeling good!

Then we did a slow meandering Indian run down the parking garage ramps & back to the flag.

A few minutes of mary: Nolan Ryans and flutter kicks.

Count-o-rama, announcements, and Astro leads us out with a prayer.