Mardi Gras Mambo – from Willie
Mardi Gras Mambo – from Willie

Mardi Gras Mambo – from Willie

PAX:Almonaster, Blowout, Frozone, Shortbus, T-Square, Thighs, Willie

7 pax gathered on Mardi Gras day at 5:00AM to start the festive day with a beatdown. The warmup consisted of the following all in cadence:

SSHx20, Imperial Walkers x20, Hillbillies x20, Arm Circles x10, Grass Grabbers x10, Burpees x5

The Pax moseyed to the parking lot close by, partnered up and did the following 100, 200, 300 exercises while the partner pax ran to the end of the parking lot and back.

Merkins, Freddie Merks, Squats

The rest of the workout consisted of the F3 card deck, 40 cards and a lap after 10 cards. Exercises were as follows:

Hearts – Burpees
Diamonds – Diamond Merks
Clubs – LBCs
Spades – SSH

We ended the workout with round Mary and a COT. Always great to lead this group!