McGruff the crime dog – from Waterpik
McGruff the crime dog – from Waterpik

McGruff the crime dog – from Waterpik

PAX:Akbar, Chewy, Steve, The Hammer, The Hammer, Akbar, Steve, Chewy

There was a visitor today at the Scramble. It was a larger than life statue of McGruff the crime dog, recently erected behind Mamdeville city hall. As in, are you kidding me???? At about 10 feet tall, this statue is larger than life, with its placard attributing McGruffs creation dating back to 1980. All kidding aside, I felt very safe out there this morning because he was there. Haha.

Anyway, there was some working out that took place also. Instead of the normal scramble route, we ran straight to the tunnel where we ran down the tunnel, across the flat part and then sprinted up the far side for 10 reps. After 10 reps we headed back to McGruffs house to close out. With 5 minutes to spare we did 20 merkins, hello Dollie’s, flutter kicks, Rosalitas, Peter Parker’s.

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