No legs workout for the runners and cyclists among us – from Amnesia
No legs workout for the runners and cyclists among us – from Amnesia

No legs workout for the runners and cyclists among us – from Amnesia

PAX:Amnesia, Cowbell, Russo, Waterpik, Bypass

20 x SSH, MC, IW, Peter Parkers, Windmills – all IC.

The Thang:
EMOM – first minute, 5 reps of merkin variant; next minute, 15-25 reps of other upper body exercise, all OYO. Next round, increase merkin variant reps by 5. Got through two rounds and started the third before YHC noticed we wouldn’t have enough time. Good thing, too. YHC wouldn’t have made it through round 3, but don’t tell any of the PAX that attended!

Merkin variants: vanilla, diamond, clerpin, derkin, Carolina Dry Dock, diamond derkin
Others: first round was mostly overhead press w/coupon (with some chest presses thrown in there); second round was more consistent: 20 coupon curls. Third round was coupon chest presses. Since only one merkin variant was completed on round 3, the coupon chest press was rolled over to the 6MOM.

20 ab exercise reps IC alternated with 30 coupon chest presses OYO. Abs exercises were leg raises, flutterkicks, plank (chillcut, both sides, and reverse), dying cockroaches, Freddy Mercuries, and finished with crunchy frogs led by the man himself. No presses after last ab exercise.

Count-o-rama, Name-o-rama, announcements, intentions, and prayer. Happy 3 years to YHC!