Soybean’s Red Stick Beatdown
Soybean’s Red Stick Beatdown

Soybean’s Red Stick Beatdown

QIC:Soybean (F3 Memphis)
PAX:Shangeaux, Fastball, Rocket, Worms, Dagwood, Mistletoes, Two Shoes, Topanga, Big Easy, Duracell, Moneycat

By: Soybean (F3 Memphis)

The Scene:  The Knoll

Conditions: 50* and perfect.


Fastball and YHC arrived at the Knoll at 0645 to scope it out. There were some people setting up tents and cauldrons (?) for a party of some sort. F3 parties are a little different, so we went yogging to find an expanse of wet grass and a stash of CMUs. When we got back to the starting point, there were more tents/cauldrons and a handful of eager-looking 25-55 year-old men. We exchanged pleasantries, wondered aloud if the jambalaya was for us (apparently they cook it in huge cast iron pots like witches), then, oh look!, it’s 0659. By the time we formed a haphazard circle, it was 0700.





I am not a professional

You are participating at your own risk

You are responsible for your own well-being

You are here voluntarily, and you are not paying to be here

Know your limits and do the best you can; all exercises are suggestions and can be modified



SSH x20

Imperial Walkers x15 (should’ve demonstrated that one…)

Lil mosey to pick up the extra CMUs we needed and back to the start.


The Thang: 

YHC had the distinct pleasure of introducing the Red Stick PAX to Flora 1-2-3.

PAX partnered up with their CMUs, and completed the following:
100 Derkins (P1 does 10 while P2 holds decline plank; flapjack until the couple reaches 100)
200 LBCs (holding CMU on chest or above head, P1 does 20; P2 holds legs at 6” with CMU above head; flapjack to 200)
300 Goblet Squats (P1 does 25 while P2 holds Al Gore with coupon; flapjack to 300)

Next, to the dismay of many, we did an Indian run for about a quarter mile, down a hill, and onto a damp expanse. The expanse is in the middle of a Frisbee golf course, and there were two dudes playing at 0700!

Burpee Catch-Me-If-You-Can
Same partners as before. P1 backpedals down the field. P2 does 3 burpees, then sprints to catch P1. Upon catching P1, P2 backpedals and P1 does burpees. Etc. Four rounds, with BBSU mixed in for the pairs that got done first.

Mosey back to the start point.

PAX lined up with their CMUs, shovel flag planted about 15 yards opposite. YHC demonstrated the bear block (bear crawl, pulling CMU forward). Then we did…
Curls x20 – bear block 15 yd
OH press x20 – bear block back
Curl x15 – bear block
OH press x15 – bear block
Curl x10 – bear block
OH press x10 – bear block

Tank Tread: PAX line up in boat pose, alternating directions. We passed 3 CMUs down the line, and the guy at the end ran to the front with the CMU.


Triple Crush OYO x20 (CMU curl to overhead press to skull crusher)
American Hammer IC x15
Triple Crush OYO x15
American Hammer IC x15

We had a couple minutes left, so I turned it over to the Baton Rouge PAX:
Topanga – leg raises x20
Big Easy – LBCs x30? 40? Lots of groans from the PAX when he never stopped going!
30 sec plank until 0800




YHC shared a quote from the Q Source about Disruption. “Leaders influence movement to advantage…Because it induces movement, leadership causes disruption.”

“If a man calls himself a leader but does not cause Disruption by initiating movement, then he is not practicing leadership. He might be doing something else, like managing or engaging in politics, but he is not leading. He is a leader in name only until people begin to follow him to an advantageous place that he has visualized and articulated to them. A leader influences movement to advantage.”

You can read the whole article here:
The Q Source index:

Prayers for Money Cat’s daughters’ relationship, Duracell’s wife’s family in the loss of her aunt


**Shameless plug** F3 Memphis is hosting GrowRuck 12 in September this year. This is a weekend-long event that combines all 3 F’s with PAX from all over the South. Dredd and OBT, the founders of F3, will be there to lead a workout and leadership class. Then Saturday night, we’ll do a GORUCK Tough event together. It’s an incredible chance to grow personally and with the PAX. Get in touch with Soybean if you want more details.