
I got a fever……

T-Claps to the south shore and north shore pax who completed the Tough Mudder. The mumble chatter is that no obstacles were skipped and major injuries were avoided.  The mothership at the Lakefront was 5 strong including Rev Socks and Hog Sickle from the south shore. Honorable mention the Hog …

The 40, Part 4

Its Okwata Time. That means its Levee time. 40 times. 11 PAX gathered around the shovel flag this morning in the dark gloom. Alas, no glorious sunrise over the waters of Okwata. The PAX will have to wait several weeks for the morning light to appear during the workouts again. …

Rudy’s back

Pro Bowl crew on a unusually brisk Wed morning… This is F3 blah, blah, blah… Warm up: SSHX28/ACX20(10&10)/Peter ParkerX20/Parker PeterX20/Abe G.X10/IWX20 Mosey to nearest bench at R. Mall The Thang: Stand on bench, right leg to ground, up, left leg to ground…starting at 1 each leg then increasing by 1…to …

The Other Mountain

Fun time in the gloom this morning with a great turnout.  Obviously inspired by Hawg’s presence, the PAX amped up the mumblechatter to near-Metry levels and kept it going throughout the workout.  After a quick disclaimer, we took the traditional stroll up and down the Avenue and set up in …

Rock around the track

I arrived unusually early today (5 minutes) to get in a good stretch, and I was greeted with Bogey on his way out. Bogey, the QIC, got an email at 5:20am that his 9:30am flight got bumped up to 8:00am! So Bogey passed the Q, and his beat down plan, …