
Winter Soldiers

Knowing that it was going to be cold on the Mandeville Lakefront this morning, YHC cast about late Friday for an appropriate pearl of wisdom to drop on the PAX.  Almost instantly, Thomas Paine’s immortal words from the American Revolution came mind: These are the times that try men’s souls.  …

Field of Dreams

“Shoeless” Joe Jackson:  “Is this Heaven?” Ray Kinsella:  “No, it’s Iowa.” YHC has never been to Iowa.  He has, however, been to Baton Rouge….Saturday morning as a matter of fact…and has to admit that Highland Park is beatdown heaven.  If we build it in Baton Rouge, they will come…just like …

Santa’s Last Stop

Twas the gloom before christmas when all through the marsh not a creature was stirring except for c. sparks. The shovel flag dug in the cool of the air, knowing the rest of the pax would be there!! These Pax must be loco! we all roll up sharing our stories …

Moroccan Nightclub

PRE-THANG The faithful pax roll up in the gloom of the morning for their last beatdown of 2017! Those that are hungry for more get up extra early for 2miles of foreplay. QIC, shooter, steve, and turbo break the ice. WARMARAMA Committed pax are stirring up some mumble chatter as …


Great to have Maverick with us in the Gloom this morning, stateside after his Spanish adventure.  FNG Astro joined us as well making the PAX a Six PAX for our Wednesday morning beatdown at the Gipper. Standard disclaimer and then down to business with the warmup: Merkins 20x IC Seal …

Riverdance Redux

Another beautiful morning on the Mandeville Lakefront. Fourteen men gathered around the shovel flag in the dark but quite nice Gloom to jump start their weekends with a beatdown.  T-claps to Bushwacker, Shooter, and Steve for posting pre-Fallen Heros 5k and special t-claps to Bushwacker and Steve for engaging in …

Plyos for Breakfast

A light turnout at the Gipper this morning but that did not stop the PAX from getting after it.  After the requisite disclaimer, Moby got down to business with the warmup: SSH, Toe Touches, Windmills, Butt Kicks and Shoulder Circles, all 15-20x IC. Mosey to the back of the Justice …

Murph at The Marsh

Rise and Grind!! A true statement for those who post when most of the world is asleep! Northshore pax have, for the most part, been keeping up with this months ISI challenge. But for some odd reason QIC noticed many had not completed the Murph by Monday morning (including himself). …