Pop Tart
Pop Tart

Mahatma Modified

Oh sure, Mahatma will blame it on being unable to hear the Q, or faulty Q instructions, or the Q just not knowing what the heck he was doing. All of which might be true. But on this glorious morning in City Park, Mahatma Modified. 06:15: YHC joined Rev-Sox and …

Maiden Voyage

Eager to mark our territory with a trail of sweat, 14 PAX, aka privateers, gathered this Monday for a maiden voyage in the uncharted waters of northern 70122, and area deep with nautical history.  This would be a test run to check out the area and also see what interests there …

My first Okwata Q

21 PAX gathered for my first Okwata Q on a gloriously humid morning, although a slight breeze was present so it made for a much more tolerable beatdown. Since the grass on the levee is still well over a foot high and plenty saturated from all the rain we have …

This ain’t no democracy

A very very damp morning greeted the PAX, after yesterday’s squall lines rolled through. YHC had done a quick drive by one of the intended workout areas to see whether it was usable, and alas – discovered that it was quite soupy. So perhaps an audible was going to be …

Backblast – Mothership 2019-07-27

Another lovely (if slightly rainy) day onboard the Mothership at City Park.  Attendance stood at 15 total, with 13 existing members and 2 FNGs. The following members were in attendance: Catfish (Q), Two Yutes, Heisenberg, Fracsac, Thumb, Beloch, Reluctant Yankee, Gideon, Angie’s List, Medulla Oblongata, Angel Dust, Gumby, Pop Tart …

Sweep the 2

22 Men gathered on a wet, dark morning to catch a quick run. The usual disclaimer was given, and to the best of my recollection, it was eloquent and concise this time. A first perhaps. Aside: Are you supposed to say “my name is so and so” in the disclaimer? …

The Eagle Has Landed

In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the first man on the moon, YHC tipped his hat in a couple of ways. Warm-Up: Side Straddle Hops 50xIC (welcome) Low Slow Squats 20xIC Grass Grabbers 20xIC (after a false start from a bunch of bad forms) Mountain Climbers 20xIC Parker Peters …