Sweep the 2
Sweep the 2

Sweep the 2

PAX:Tool, Triple Shift, Mahatma, Uncle Si, Mambi, Hokie Pokey, Briefs, Dirty Dell, Pai Gow, Smooth, Shuffles, Screw Top, Abacus, Colonel Mustard, Ya Mom'n Dem, Oops!, Belloq, Frac Sac, Pop Tart, Gideon, Woz

22 Men gathered on a wet, dark morning to catch a quick run. The usual disclaimer was given, and to the best of my recollection, it was eloquent and concise this time. A first perhaps. Aside: Are you supposed to say “my name is so and so” in the disclaimer? Maybe I’ve just never gotten comfortable announcing “My name is Kuch”. I didn’t say it.

I’ve spent many paragraphs already on why the Stomp is great: great F2, generally a bit lower intensity than Monday and Wednesday, and great for runners of all speeds. So on the one hand, you don’t want to fix something that aint broken. On the other hand, we’ve had some great variations at the Stomp lately, including Rev Sox’s 13 colonies workout/football game, El Guapo’s light post runs, Smooth’s Jazzfest themed beatdown, and VQ’s for Shuffles and Briefs, who both added their own touches.

What I’m getting at is: come Q the Stomp. Bring a slight (or significant) variation, or just tell everyone to run 20 out and 20 back and do some Mary. It doesn’t matter. It will be great. Your contribution will be appreciated no matter how much or little you deviate from the norm.

Anyway, back to the actual workout. We moseyed 20 minutes out at about a 10:30 pace as a group, all staying together. When he hit 20 minutes, the instructions were simple. Run back to the flag as fast as you can. Don’t leave anything in the tank.

When you get to the flag, you mosey to the guy behind you, and run hard back with him. And then the 2 of you sweep the next guy and run back hard with him and so on until 20 or so guys are running down Roosevelt Mall together to sweep the 6. It worked well, and you will see it again.

To mentally prepare myself for this one, I told myself that I would run as hard as I could back to the flag, and I wouldn’t save anything for the sweep. If I had to walk, I would, but I would not mosey. I surprised myself and ran a lot faster than usual. Didn’t know I had it in me. That will be the instruction to all the PAX next time: save nothing. Go as hard as you can. Walk, if you must, but don’t cruise. (and of course, modify if you need to)

The usual formalities, and a prayer that we carry the goodwill and decency shown everyday at F3 workouts with us through all our interactions. Thanks for having me. – Kuch