Typical, Humid, Summer 610 Stomp Morning
Typical, Humid, Summer 610 Stomp Morning

Typical, Humid, Summer 610 Stomp Morning

PAX:Woz, Rudy, Rev Sox, Frac Sac, Bellock, Giddian, Chips, Hokey Pokey, High Rise, Ya Mama and Them, Screwtop, Hawg, Colonial Mustard, Hobbs, Half Nelson, Kooch, Jesus Juice, Triple Shift, Stomp War, Pop Tart, Shuffles, Tuah, Shorty, Tool, Da Parish, Bongo

What is also becoming typical on Tuesdays is the large PAX and participation we continue to see and grow through F3.  This is despite even adding a Monday morning running workout.  This is a good thing.

The workout was very simple:

15 minutes out and back,  traditional route via Bayou St John.

Then directly to the track for 10 minutes of running the straights,  jog


Then some stretching exercises, LBCs,  and a “slant” hold for that last 5 minutes.  Some folks haven’t stretched since high school.

Count off, Nam-a-rama, Announcements, COT.

Always a privilege to lead with such a great large group of like minded individuals.

From San Jose, CA see you in the gloom and on the radio,
