The 610 Stomp
The 610 Stomp

610 Stomp #29

Sure, I’ll take the Q. DISCLAIMER. To break the usual routine, we started our run towards to museum, down the bayou and towards Banks Street. Crazy, I know! We started with 6 men eager to grow and improve themselves…get stronger, faster. As we reach the bayou, there was a flash …

610 Stomp #28

YHC returned to action at The 610 Stomp.  It was good to be back.  Some of the regulars were treated to a visit by RY as his M recovered from a PR in the Rock ‘n Roll half.  Some chit-chat, a quick disclaimer, a quick overview of the route and …

610 Stomp – SOBB

Delightful crisp NOLA morning gloom.  Where was everyone?  Its my VQ – someone better be there!  And yes, out from the gloom emerge our #MidCity contingent of SFx and Tool, and Griswold too.  #Tclaps for you guys for making my first Q.  After almost forgetting the disclaimer – we were …

Two will do

I thought Monday was lonely, but then there was this morning. Thanks, Tool, for not making me a PAX o’ one. A cool, crisp morning with not a single other person in sight. A ghost town in City Park, not a single car passed us along the Bayou. A steady …

610 Stomp #22

“To Fartlek tis better than to Fartsack” – Anonymous A sub-40s morning in NOLA as five men braved the cold to stomp the gloom.  We were missing some of the usual suspects.  Rumor has it that they have started a 6 days on / 6 days off routine.  YHC gave …

610 Stomp #21

“Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”  – Henry Ford It was a brisky 41 degrees for this Stomp.  Rudy was first on the scene when YHC pulled up: I think he was reminiscing.. anyway, Cowbell and FNG (Rebelette) were next on the scene.. …

610 Stomp #20

Five men gathered around the virtual shovel-flag as Shorty walked up with the real one. After a little mumble chatter about concerns of frostbite, we were off. Really? Frostbite??? As usual, Shorty and Side Effects were the fast group and were a blur. Rudy, Jingle Vader, Griswold and YHC followed …


A small but patient PAX led JV in his first 610 Stomp Q down to Banks Street and back: a bit slower than usual, but better for mubblechatter. No burpees en route or sprints a la Side Effects (except a short sprint at the end), just two moseys around Canal …

610 Stomp #18 – Remix

Outlined against a black-rainy December sky, the Four Horsemen rode again.  In dramatic lore they are known as Jingle Vader, Rudy, Tool, and Side Effects. These are only aliases, but their real names shall not be mentioned here. They formed the crest of the New Orleans F3 nation before which …