The 5Q Foundry  – from Fracsac
The 5Q Foundry – from Fracsac

The 5Q Foundry – from Fracsac

PAX:Fracsac, Glitter Balls, Pop-Tart, Scooter, Tool

Doomsday was upon us, or at least that was what meteorologists across the south were claiming. In defiance of these alarms, 5 HIMs posted at the Foundry expecting gale force winds and horizontal rain.
Weather conditions were 72 degrees and muggy with a 5 mph southerly breeze.

No Q signed up and there was tension in the humid air. Pop Tart cut the tension like a butter knife goes through a strawberry pastry with a disclaimer and instructions to head to the Foundry. Once at the Foundry Glitterballs calls a Sudden Change and instructs the Pax to do a Half Murph, then asks what it consists of. Clearly this was meant to intimidate the other 4.
Tool then grabs the Q for some Core work, then one ups the intimidation factor by making us call out merkins in a ring of fire followed by 10 minutes of clockwise pax choice core work. The tension was getting too thick, so YHC had to intervene! Move to the grassy area for the following:
Prisoner genuflect followed by 1 burpee
Prisoner genuflect followed by 2 burpees
Continue up to 5 burpees.

Scooter couldn’t keep himself contained any longer and gave the order to head back to the flag completing 10 derkins at each bench along the way. Thank all that is good we ran out of time after 5 benches….



-The meteorological folks likely kept a lot of Pax in the fartsack.
-Johnny Lawrence from Karate Kid and Cobra Kai were discussion points during the half Murph. Then it was brought up he was in One of the Guys, another 80s movie where he played a bully. He always plays a bully.
-Montana is a place Tool wants to see, mainly because he watched Yellowstone. I’ve been there but I’ve never watched Yellowstone. But we both like Johnny Lawrence. Don’t judge….