“The cold made my wee wee go pee pee.”  – from Akbar
“The cold made my wee wee go pee pee.” – from Akbar

“The cold made my wee wee go pee pee.” – from Akbar

Things you’ll only hear at Waffle house. This was said as a grown man walked through the door, and decided to tell YHC, Steve, and Russo what business he had to take care of – as if his inner child woke up at that opportune moment. YHC knew it was going to be cold, obviously everyone else knew as well. 5 Pax gathered this cold and gloomy morn. Grover EH’d a guy who fartsacked, but it was great having him in the gloom again. The plan was to get warmed up really quick.

Conditions: Cold, as mentioned above, with a slight wind.

Warm Up x 10 IC – High Knees, Butt Kicks, Self-Love, Cherry Pickers, Arm Circles F/B, IW

Playground: 11’s of Swerkins (plank position, legs in swing ab crunch/Merkin) and Pullups with 25ish yard run in between.

Mosey to the Lakefront by Rips down Noah’s Ark with a modified Red Barchetta to get the blood pumping. Stop at each intersection for 1 exercise until we reached the wall – 50 SSH, 40 Mountain Climbers, 30 LBC’s, 20 Merkins, and 10 Squats.

Wall x 20 IC, 2 sets. Freak Nasties and Shoulder Taps

Stairs at Rips to climb the Stairway to 7. Pax line up in plank, 1 at a time do: 1 Freak Nasty, 1 Dirkin on the bottom step; run up to the top for 1 Squat, run back down the other side. Rinse and Repeat adding 1 rep for 7 rounds. Pik reminded QIC of the time check and we only got to finish 6 rounds.

Run back to the Marsh in time for COT followed by breakfast at Waffle House.

Announcements: Krazy Ivan Feb 3rd 8pm. Run Cajun Run – get your teams together, sign up coming. Sponsors due by Jan 26th.

We are told to always plan for more than we need in case time runs out. I had enough for another 30 minutes. I haven’t fully figured out how to work the new Garmin I got for Christmas, Pik saved me from going over. Great conversation as always, which continued as expected at Waffle House.