Whatever It Takes to Win a Race – from King Kong
Whatever It Takes to Win a Race – from King Kong

Whatever It Takes to Win a Race – from King Kong

QIC:King Kong

Before I arrived at the AO, I made a stop to drop off couple coupons in the front of the statue at Audubon Zoo. At 5:30 a.m. 15 Pax gathered at our imaginary flag. I gave my disclaimer and then headed towards the grass field in front of Audubon Zoo with few warm-ups in cadence: self-love, windmills, low slow squats, SSHs, Hillbillies, and Imperial Walkers.

After our warm-ups, we moseyed to the statue at the Zoo. Upon Seaman’s request, we did reverse arm-circles and forward arm-circles. Then we did the following:

Thang 1
Hand release Merkins x 15 in slow cadence
Lunges x 15 in cadence
LBCs x 15 in cadence
We formed 2 lines and Indian Ran to Magazine Street and back with the coupon. The PAX at the front of the line was carrying the brick.

Thang 2
Incline Merkins x 15 in slow cadence
Squats x 15 in cadence
American Hammers x 20 in cadence
Indian Ran to Magazine Street and back…. except this time it’s a race. Losers did 5 burpees. With that in mind, G-Spot just took off with one of the coupon.

Thang 3
Decline Merkins x 10 in slow cadence
Step Ups x 20 in cadence
Crunchy Frogs x 20 in cadence
Indian Ran to Magazine Street and back with the coupons.

Thang 4
Decline Shoulder Taps x 15 in cadence
Sitting position with over head claps x 15 in cadence
Flutterkicks x 15 in cadence

Thang 5
Another race!!! We formed 2 lines in a plank position. The coupon was located with the last Pax in line. After he pulled through the brick to the next Pax, he got up and ran to the front of the line and planked. Rinse and repeat until the entire team got past the third light post. Losers did 5 burpees.

Thang 6
Final race!!! We formed 2 lines in a standing position. The coupon started off with the last Pax in line. After the Pax did an overhead press, he passed the coupon to the next Pax and ran to the front of the line. Rinse and repeat until the entire team got back to the stop sign by the statue. We were all winners, and everyone did 5 burpees.

Circled up in front of the Zoo with some Mary’s: Hello Dolly’s x 15 in cadence, Ukraine x 20 in cadence, Protractors.

Moseyed back to the flag for some COT.

We prayed for my friend John with his speedy recovery after his cancer surgery. We prayed for Tenderloin with a successful, smooth surgery this Friday. We also prayed for safe travels for family and friends who are traveling and rounding up summer vacations. Finally, we asked Sky Q to continue to give us physical and mental strength so that we can continue to lead in our communities.


King Kong