610 Stomp #82 – Chaos
610 Stomp #82 – Chaos

610 Stomp #82 – Chaos

PAX:Jingle Vader, Kim Chi, Cowbell, Heisenberg, Rudy, Tool, Udder (visiting from NC), Fracsac (QIC)

YHC was the first to arrive in the gloom, standing at the VSF on this warm and humid morning. Before long, other men from F3 began to arrive, but it seemed a bit unsettled. Rudy started counting, but just couldn’t seem to come up with the number he sought. YHC began to think Rudy was losing it, but then YHC’s attention was taken elsewhere. Who was that hiding behind a vehicle? The shadow of a human literally shot out from behind the truck and darted toward the Shovel Flag, seemingly hoping the shadow of the temporary monument would keep him hidden from that which he was attempting to avoid. Is that JV? Have the double nickle symptoms set in early? YHC hears a whisper from the shadow that appears to be JV, and it went like this…”he shot my brother, and I think he’s after me!” No, he will not get you here in the gloom. You are safe here, my friend! Then from out of nowhere came Heisenberg, wearing a TM headband, high fiving and fist bumping all in the gloom. All seemed to be well, until YHC looked over and saw terror in the eyes of Cowbell and Kim Chi as they witnessed Rudy feverishly counting, unable to attain the sum he sought! YHC looked at his iphone, and was thankful the device read 0530. After a brief disclaimer, YHC attempted to bring order to the gloom, but chaos was reigning strong. “Run, just run”, YHC proclaimed to the PAX, “and be back at the track at 0605 for some sprints!” With that, the PAX dispersed, and YHC was uncertain where they ran or if they would return.

The Thang

With a new pair of shoes, as the old ones were destroyed on the TM course, YHC glided on the street, taking the usual route. Upon arrival on the Lafitte Greenway, YHC ran until the time was such that it reflected the halfway mark.  Upon turning around, there was no Pax, bringing a certain unease to the mind of YHC.  Have the men of F3 gone mad?  But upon further investigation, while traveling back to the track, YHC came upon JV, who seemed to have overcome his symptoms of paranoia.  Then YHC saw Kim Chi and Heisenberg, and YHC felt all would be well.  But wait, where is Rudy and Cowbell?  Upon arrival at the track at 0604, those of us that made it decided to do a few LBC’s.  Suddenly, and out of nowhere, came Cowbell and Rudy.  We finished the LBC IC x 20, and it was time for sprints.

YHC explained that the Pax would do sprints on the straightaways and mosey on the curves, twice around the track.  YHC looked to Rudy to see if his confusion lingered.  Rudy was again counting, but was satisfied with the new count, as Tool and Udder had joined us.  YHC almost didn’t recognize Tool without the beacon of hope that had reigned on Saturday.   The Pax completed the 2 laps in high spirits and in great time.  That left time for…


Merkins IC x10
Freddie Mercury’s IC x 20
Partner up, Leg throws x 15 each, followed by big boy situps x 10 each

Return to the Shovel Flag


Count off, namorama, announcements, intentions, and closed in prayer.


It was great to have Udder from North Carolina join us.  Kim Chi’s streak continues, and JV is a rock!

Thanks for letting me lead!