Tabata Tuesday
Tabata Tuesday

Tabata Tuesday

PAX:Backdraft, Chewy, Coconuts, POSH spice, Ringo, Water Pik

Grandmas house posted a respectable 7 PAX, including an FNG on this mid 40s Gloom.. Arrived to the sights of Water Pik and Ringo stretching and preparing under the canopy of lights at the Trailhead. Quickly the PAX increased with the arrival of Coconuts and (FNG) POSH spice followed by Chewy right at 0515..  Knowing that POSH spice had been Ehed by Backdraft, Q started our warmup with intentions of hanging close to the AO for his expected late arrival.



20 IC Mummy kicks ( Tanked up exclusive)

10 IC Windmills

15 IC Arm circles Forward/Reverse

20 IC Butt kicks

15 IC Overhead claps


Moseyed to the tunnel for our Tabata work. Instructions Upper, Lower and Core.

First series Merkins for 25 sec work and  rest for 10 sec (8) followed by 25-30% run down the ramp stepping up to 50-60% on the flat and all out 💯 sprint back up. The youths of the PAX were quickly humbled by Coconuts ability and quickness through the tunnel.. Recovery walk back. Second series Squats and R/R the tunnel. Final series Flutter kicks and R/R tunnel. Moseyed back to the flag for 5 min of Flutter kicks while each PAX took turns running 25 yard and 50 yard suicides to closeout the beatdown..

count off, announcements, naming of FNG, COT

Much Appreciation to Ringo for praying us out into the day. Also on keeping his streak going at 7 in a row.. Glad to have you part of F3..

✌🏻Till the next Gloom