Back At It
Back At It

Back At It

PAX:Chewy, Coconuts, Garfield, Pelican, Ringo, Shooter, Steve (QIC), Waterpik

Ah, it’s exciting to be back to the month of January. A new year, another chance to join a run challenge I’ll almost immediately regret. A new year, another chance to see Shooter post to a 16º beatdown in shorts and sans gloves. And of course, a new year, another chance to don a tank top and claim the hammer at the upcoming Ivan.

But first, there’s work to do. The PAX as a whole is incredibly strong these days and YHC has some serious catching up to do. One lesson that has crystallized for YHC the past two weeks is how hard it is to actually build something and how easy it is to let it fall apart. Nothing new, of course. It applies to nearly everything – relationships, spiritual life, career, fitness, etc. Deep down, though, YHC honestly thought that hey, I might be able to leave the PAX for 5 months and return, still able to knock out 500 merkins and run 10k’s.

That, of course, is not the case.

And so, humbled, YHC eased back in with my first Q in a few months. The scramble is one of my favorites, and seemed a great place to start.

Warmorama: Toe Touches, Seal Jacks, IW’s, all 20x IC. Lunge w/ twists through the parking lot, and then off to the races.

Ran the traditional route, with one exception – Chewy thought it’d be a good idea to run the loop in the opposite direction, considering the new year and all.

Once back, YHC led the PAX over to the monkey bars, except, hey – there are no longer any monkey bars at the city hall playground! This is what happens when you’re gone for a bit. After some searching, we found a weird, arched-web piece of playground equipment near the back that kinda/sorta worked for our needs:

Partner up, P1 knocks out 10 burpees and 10 pull-ups, P2 does scorpion kicks. Flapjack.

Next, P1 knocks out 20 Australian pull-ups while P2 is doing 180º jump squats.

Finally, a quick mary of Hello Dolly’s, Flutter Kicks, and Rosalita’s (all 20x, IC). COT and Shooter prayed us out. Guys, a sincere thanks for the opportunity to lead, it’s always a pleasure to get stronger with this group of men.