Rev Sox is not winning immunity
Rev Sox is not winning immunity

Rev Sox is not winning immunity

QIC:Rev Sox
PAX:Rougarou, Vanilla, Boo Boo, Hand Grenada, Gatsby

Called to fill in for Darkwing Duck (YHC continues to anxiously awaits his VQ when F3NOLA will truly get dangerous for the first time), YHC set out to lead a traditional slow-paced no running workout for the Pax at the Uptowner. Disclaimer was given and we were off.


SSH – 27

Hillbillies – 20

Inchworms – 10

Side lunges – 15

LSS – 20

The Thang


The Pax grabbed our rocks for the morning and walked past the first baseball field to spend a little time in purgatory. This is YHC’s new name for a workout created by Triple Shift. While holding your coupon drop to one knee, then down on both knees, get back up one foot at a time. Once up, take one lunge step with each leg. Repeat until the Pax crosses the field to the tree line.


The Pax took our rocks to the playground for two pull-up races. We split into two teams of 3. Starting with the largest team member and ending with the smallest, each person did 3 pull-ups, went to the back of the line, then each did 2 and finished with each doing a single pull-up. The first team to finish wins.

Team awesome (Gatsby, Boo Boo, and Rev Sox) narrowly beat team not awesome (Rougarou, Hand Grenada, Vanilla) in the race.

The second race was dead man hangs. This competition was based on which team could hang the longest. The team members not hanging did rows and curls with their rocks while waiting. YHC learned that he would never win immunity challenges in Survivor this morning. Boo Boo hung a long time allowing YHC to have a massive time advantage against Vanilla as the last person on each team to hang. This should have been a second easy win for team awesome against team not awesome. YHC just didn’t have the strength of will to hang longer than Vanilla giving team not awesome the win. (YHC has yet another reason to never apply to be on Survivor.)

Partner Work

The Pax partnered up for some Partner Shrugs (20 count) and Partner Curls (20 count). Then as partners the Pax went for 20 underdogs underneath the swings.

People’s Chair

The Pax took our rocks and sat down on the tennis court fences for 3 sitting session. Each sit came with curls in cadence (15, 10, 6).


Wife Pleasers – 20

O Dolly – 15

Penguins – 15

LBC – 20

Hello Dolly – 15


Count off, Name-O-Rama, announcements, intentions, and prayer

Thanks for the opportunity to lead, it’s been a while since YHC had the opportunity at the Uptowner.

Rev Sox