The Quick Killer
The Quick Killer

The Quick Killer

PAX:Bird, Cowbell (QIC), Pixie Stix, WaterPik

After missing 2 Q’s last week (1 was excused), YHC was up to Q again and HAD to make it, tropical storm or not…

Surprisingly, the rain had stopped after a full 24 hour downpour. There was no excuse now! YHC showed up 2 minutes late due to a downed tree covering Lamarque St. The Pax of 3 had already started a warm up.

YHC jumped in and it went a little something like this…

COP #1 – Warm up

Hillbillies X 20, Good Mornings X 10, Mtn Climbers X 20, J-Lo’s X 10, Arm Circles X 12 (6F/6B)

COP #2- The Thang -YHC had expected rain so planned a stationary workout under the covering on the basketball court.

5 Rounds – 33 reps, 27 reps, 21 reps, 15 reps, 9 reps

5 exercises – Merkins, Squats, Sister Mary Catherines, Burpees, Big Boi Sit ups

Complete all 5 exercises, 33 reps each, move to round 2, 27 reps each, etc.

The Pax was unusually quiet, @Bird tried to get a little small talk going but it was short-lived.

COP #3 – Pull Up Circle

Pax 1 completes 5 pull ups while rest of pax did an exercise

3 rounds (plank, LBC, American Hammer)

COP #4 – 6MOM (round robin) all x 20 IC

Bird- Crunch Frog, Pixie Stix- Merkins, WaterPik- Freddie Mercury, YHC- Penguins

COT – Announcements (July 15 – Gnarly Nutria!!)

Thank you for letting me lead!
